Workplace Training, HR Policies and Procedures

Our Workplace Training courses include courses on Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying, Performance Management & Unfair Dismissals and Workplace Investigations.

We make the law easy to understand and our training courses are memorable and practical.

We can also assist with user friendly, plain English policies and procedures that really work. This includes policies that cover the new Respect@Work obligations.

We have provided workplace training to hundreds of employees.

Our Workplace Training courses cover important topics such as:

  • Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying, 
  • Responding to Complaints, 
  • Performance Management & Unfair Dismissals, 
  • Workplace Investigations; and 
  • How to Have Difficult Conversations.  

All courses can be tailored for your particular workplace and needs and delivered in person in South East Queensland or via Zoom.

Alternatively, you might like to sign up for one of our On Demand Zoom training sessions that can be viewed at you convenience by you and others in your workplace. 

Sexual Harassment Training

The new Respect@Work laws mean that employers now have a positive obligation to eliminate sexual harassment, sex discrimination and victimisation. 

Ensuring that your employees have been properly trained is an essential part of proving that you have met that obligation and all employers need to be putting this on their To Do list.  

Signing your employees up to click their way through a few online modules and questionnaires is not going to be enough to meet this positive obligation and it is certainly not going to be enough to prevent problem behaviour. 

You need training like the training that we provide.  Our training makes sure that employees understand exactly what kinds of behaviours are inappropriate, what will happen if those behaviours occur at work and what bystanders can do to call out problem behaviour.

Discrimination Training

An employer will automatically be liable if one of its employees discriminates against or victimises someone unless the employer can prove it took reasonable steps to prevent the discrimination and victimisation. 

Ensuring that your employees have been properly trained on Discrimination is an essential part of being able to prove that.  

Click here for more information on our Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment training course.  

Heading Workplace Training, HR Policies and Procedures

HR Policies and Procedures

We provide user friendly, plain English policies and procedures that really work.  

There are some policies and procedures that are ‘nice to have’ (say, a policy on allocation of car parks) but other policies and procedures are absolutely essential such as a Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy. 

If you don’t have those essential policies and procedures in place you face the risk of legal action.  

Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy

First on that list is a Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy, along with a Grievance Procedure that sets out exactly how concerns and complaints relating to those behaviours will be dealt with. 

The new Respect@Work laws mean that employers now have a new positive obligation to eliminate sexual harassment, sex discrimination and victimisation.  That’s not all. 

An employer will automatically be liable if one of its employees harasses, discriminates against or victimises someone unless the employer can prove it took reasonable steps to prevent harassment, discrimination and victimisation. 

Having the appropriate policies and complaints processes in place is an essential part of being able to prove that.  

Get it sorted, click here for more information on our Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure.  

We are here to make sure your Policies and Procedures are doing what they are supposed to do. Contact us to find out how we can assist.  

We help employers solve and prevent people issues. We are problem solvers.

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Contact US

Call our Principal, Susannah McAuliffe

Phone:  1300 764 792


Based in Brisbane, we assist employers anywhere in Australia.

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