About Us

Latitude Lawyers was founded by Principal Lawyer, Susannah McAuliffe in 2008. 

Susannah has almost 30 years’ experience in employment law and industrial relations.  In fact, employment law and industrial relations is all that she has done since 1994 (well, except on weekends!). 

In that time Susannah worked in large national law firms, then as National Director of Employment Law for one of Australia’s peak industry bodies before establishing Latitude Lawyers. 

This background means that Susannah has built up top notch legal skills along with practical knowledge about the best ways to support employers.

Susannah has shaped the vision for Latitude Lawyers to provide smart, strategic and practical advice for employers.  We get problems sorted for our clients in a solutions focussed and down to earth way.

Our clients know we've got their back. No question.

Call 1300 764 792


We help employers solve and prevent people issues. We are problem solvers.

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Contact US

Call our Principal, Susannah McAuliffe

Phone:  1300 764 792

Email:   info@latitudelaw.com.au

Based in Brisbane, we assist employers anywhere in Australia.

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